Fiorella Lavado holds a BA (Hons) in Conservation of Stone, Wood, and Decorative Surfaces at City and Guilds of London Art School. Her training has included scientific and analytical techniques, essential for uncovering object histories and guiding conservation treatment decisions. She was awarded the prize for best Research Project and the Venice in Peril Internship for 2024. Her practical experience spanning private practices and national institutions, has gained her invaluable exposure to diverse conservation contexts, such as The Palace of Westminster, Southwark Cathedral and the Krannert Art Museum. Her experience encompasses a range of organic and inorganic substrates and materials, with a recent focus on wood and lacquered objects. Fiorella brings a background in art, design, and film to her conservation work. Her participation in multidisciplinary art and science collaborations has yielded results showcased in exhibitions and conferences internationally. She is a member of the Ernst Schering Foundation Advisory Network.
Professional Experience
Freelance objects conservator
Ongoing - As a freelance objects conservator, I specialise in the conservation of both organic and inorganic materials, such as wood, decorative surfaces (including gilding, lacquer and frames), stone ornaments, sculptures, archaeological textiles, mosaics, and metal hardware. My expertise spans condition assessment, remedial treatment, and preventive conservation. I am fully insured for conservation and restoration work.
Altar of The Madonna and Child with Angels, San Giorgio Maggiore.
October - December 2025, Venice, Italy.A 10-week conservation project funded by Venice in Peril, focusing on the preservation of the altar and associated objects. Responsibilities included conducting a condition assessment of the monument, crowns, and two votive cases, alongside detailed photography and documentation. Conservation treatments involved cleaning stone elements, crowns, and 40 metal votive offerings, as well as removing old backing fabric from votive cases, applying new fabric, and safely mounting the votive offerings after treatment. Additional tasks included identifying and addressing pest infestations, supervising the project with scaffold assembly and disassembly, and preparing a thorough treatment report. A comprehensive maintenance plan and future conservation recommendations were also developed.
Film Supervision, for Spencer and Fry
September 2024. London.
Provided filming advice and supervision before, during, and after filming at a historic location. Responsibilities included moving collections out of harm’s way, preparing the area for traffic and transport of filming equipment, inspecting props for possible infestation or potential damage to the collection, liaising with the locations and house team, reinstating the collection after filming, and performing specialised cleaning of historic interiors.
Palace of Westminster Frame conservation project
September 2023. London.
A one-week project for the conservation and stabilisation of a late nineteenth-century English Gothic Revival gilded frame under the supervision of senior frame conservator Gerry Alabone. Responsibilities included light cleaning, re-adhering and consolidating loose and unstable compo and veneer, conservation frame upgrade, photography, and documentation. Other responsibilities included packing materials, managing logistics, and liaising with the Collections Care Team.
Krannert Art Museum, University of Indiana Champaign, Illinois Archeological textile conservation project
June - August 2023 Chicago and London
Stabilisation of ten archaeological textiles, which included figurines and featherwork from the pre-Hispanic Andean arts collection of the Krannert Art Museum under the supervision of senior conservator Stephanie Hornbeck of Caryatid Conservation. Responsibilities included removal from old mounts, humidification, stabilisation, conservation stitching, painting and stitching new backing supports and inserts, research, photography, and documentation.
Artefact Workshops
2017 - 2020.
Crafted and delivered art and science workshops for children aged 5-12. In these workshops, children were presented with science topics, guided through the creative process, and encouraged to create and present their artwork. Some topics covered included technology, space and our solar system, astrophysics, biology, psychology, geology, and architecture. Other responsibilities included creating and sourcing materials, setting up and clearing workspaces, and organising payment forms for parents.
Art residency Casa do Chico, Galeria KM7, Brazil
February - July 2019 London and Rio de Janeiro
During this residency, work was developed to fill the gallery space and be presented in an exhibition and talk. CTRL + ESC: The work created consisted of sewn rubber, woven wire sculptures, and collage with augmented reality video installations. The artwork, when viewed through a phone, would activate a video that could only be seen on the screen, offering a different perspective and another layer to the story. Other responsibilities included packaging art for transport from London to Rio de Janeiro, installing work, preparing gallery space, liaising with technicians, curator and gallery owner.
Predictability and its Limits
2012 - 2017.
A series of illustrations developed in collaboration with Professor of Philosophy Roman Frigg in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The results were presented at an exhibition at the LSE with the support of the LSE Annual Fund, LSE Arts, and the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS). Other responsibilities included installing and uninstalling the work at the LSE, and packing the work for transport and storage.
Weaving the Universe from Atoms to Stars
2009 - 2010.
An art/science collaboration with Professor Arthur I. Miller from University College London. The results were presented at various lectures, discussion panels and exhibitions in London, Athens, and Berlin, including the Royal Astronomical Society, the Benaki Museum, and the Robert Koch Institute, with the support of the British Council Germany and the Ernst Schering Foundation.The work consisted of stainless steel woven sculptures, illustrations, and videos. Other responsibilities included handling artworks, installation, packaging for national and international exhibitions, liaising with institutions, galleries and art handlers, as well as designing and printing marketing materials.
Graphic Artist
Since 1999 Lima, Düsseldorf, New York, and London.
Freelance web design, coding, bespoke Wordpress themes, and illustration. Recent projects at:
Quinoa Films
New York based film/documentary production 2005 - 2012. Creative producer for journalist and film maker Carmen Valdivieso Hulbert for the production of Uchuraccay: An independent documentary about a group of journalists, who were murdered in 1983 in Uchuraccay, a remote hamlet in the Andes of Peru.
Adidas Peru
2000 - 2002. Marketing, product training, visual merchandising, PR events.
Reebok Peru
1997 - 1999. Product training, visual merchandising.
Film and advertising producers for Peru and Chile
1995 - 1997. Field production manager - Peru.
Publicistas Asociados
Advertising agency
1993 - 1994. Field and technical production assistant.
2024. Stone, Wood and Decorative Surfaces Research Project Prize at City and Guilds of London Art School for Exploring the Viability of Opuntia Ficus Indica (OFI) Mucilage as a Consolidant for Reigate Stone.
2024. Venice in Peril Internship awarded to two Conservation graduates from City and Guilds of London Art School.
Selected talks
June 2024. Preserving the Past, Shaping the Future: A Conservator's Perspective on the Siamese Lacquered Chest. Presented at the 2-day symposium 'What is Furniture History', developed as part of the exhibition ‘Part of the Furniture: The Library of John Bedford’ (Treasures of the Brotherton Gallery, University of Leeds, 9 th January-21 st December 2024), and in collaboration with Temple Newsam, Leeds.
City and Guilds of London Art School
10.2021 - 06.2024
Currently 3rd year student. Stone/Wood Conservation.
Art Academy Düsseldorf, Germany
Semester 2003-04 Graphic (Prof. A.R. Penk).
Corriente Alterna
1998 - 1999 Painting workshop (Jose Luis Arbulú).
Instituto Peruano de Publicidad (Advertising Institute of Peru)
1993 - 1995 Audiovisual communication. Subjects included: Cinema Studies, Semiotics, Film Production, Film Direction, Photography, Photography Direction, Performing, Creative Writing, Script Writing.
Spanish, English and German.